Saturday, February 5, 2011

today is a shit day. even though i only just woke up at 2pm. it's hot and gross and i'm just sitting in my room drinking coke zero and feeling like shit. i really can't wait till winter, everything is better in winter. makes me wish i lived in like.. england or someshit. that'd be neat-o.

oh, and my tomb raider download isn't working because it's a shit head. so, i've decided to buy the 1-6 set off of ebay, boo-yah. my life is oh so exciting.

i'm also buying a rat next weekend even though mum told me not to and if i get one she'll drown it. whatever bitch, i don't go to school and i kill people, i do what i want. but seriously, i want a rat and i'll just hide it in my room or someshit.

wow, this post has been pointless. bye.

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